Wednesday, 8 June 2011

I feel the hair love coming on

I am really starting to feel better about my hair. Every time I have a shampoo session, i feel the hair bond. Is their such a thing? Lol. Because that is the only way that I can think of to describe it. I have a little travel mirror that I put on the window, so that after I rinse out the shampoo, detangle with conditioner or rinse out the conditioner, I can look at my hair in it. It is a bit odd..but I can't help it. I have my hair goal of long natural hair running through my head all the time and everyday I smile at knowing that I am a day closer to my dream, though I may not be achieving it for another few years. I think about my big chop and how I had felt. I think of all the times I had looked at a beautiful relaxed head and asked myself if I made the wrong choice. All the frustrated hours spent in the mirror wondering what on earth to do with the intimidating shrinkage of a puff on my head and then I think of the mind set I have now, the admiration I feel come over me whenever I look at my hair in the mirror, the hurt I feel when I see my curls stretch too much when wet and know that I have come a long way. I have embraced me for who I am what I want to be. I feel the love each time I rub my fingers over the new growth coming in, thinking that I will protect them as well as I can. So that one day, all my texlaxed ends will be gone. I will be a fully tightly curly head and I will be natural and free.

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