Saturday, 23 July 2011

Little babies holding up well on their own :)

So I know yesterday I said I would wash them and see if they can hold form on their own and they did! I am elated because that means that I will never have to sit down re-banding hair again. My baby locs know how to behave and I am a happy mama. Lol. I washed them this morning and it was a joy to feel the water running on my scalp(though my last wash day was about 2 days ago). I had a mirror i the bathroom with me and I kept checking it to see if they were getting messed up and they never budged. Excepting for the ends which I understand and totally expected. They on the other hand unraveled just little bit. But all that matters to me is that the interlocked portions are still intact and look lie they will definitely be able to withstand more washes in the near future.

Speaking of the future my hair is getting more fuzzy as the days go by and I am afraid to see what it will look like in the next 2 weeks. But as I said I will endure because the end result to me is really worth it. I went to the pharmacy today and the cashier was staring at e like "what is up with her hair?" lol. I was expecting that and looking to get even worst in the near future. But things may take a turn for the better who knows. I am sure that after my first re-do my hair should look cool though.

you can see my little fuzz halo going on

See that one on the left unraveling? The plaits are so prominent at the ends, hmm...

If you look closely you can see that most of them are interlocked halfway down. LOVE IT!!

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